Thursday 22 May 2014

Is Gastric problem your concern, lets evaluate with some home remedies - Part 1 - By Dr. P.T. Ezhil Selvan

Are you embarrassed by gas problems??? Let’s see some of the causes that result in gastric trouble and simple home remedies that help you get rid of this annoying problem. 
Gastric trouble is not actually a disease but it is a kind of health condition that is an outcome of some other disease or a disorder. It is also termed as flatulence.

Gas problem may be very annoying at times. Generally gas is formed in the stomach due to numerous reasons as follows,
·         Excessive alcohol intake
·         Consuming very spicy food
·         Chewing the food improperly
·         Too much of anxiety and stress
·         Intestinal malfunction
·         Eating sauces and condiments frequently and in large quantities
·         Digestive disorders

You may suffer severe gastric trouble due to infections caused due to bacteria such as Helicobacter Pylori. Some of the symptoms of gas in stomach caused by bacteria are as follows,
·         Coated tongue
·         Abdominal bloating
·         Abdominal belching
·         Bad breath
·         Lack of appetite
·         Flatulence

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