Monday 14 April 2014

Health benefits of buttermilk - By Dr. P.T. Ezhil Selvan

1) Digestion: If you cannot have milk, curd is considered the next best option. Since buttermilk is prepared with curd, this drink is beneficial for soothing the digestive tract. Buttermilk promotes digestive enzymes and aids in digestion.

2) Stomach problems: Buttermilk is a healthy and natural remedy used to ease the bloating of the stomach, preventing 
constipation and other stomach disorders.

3) Probiotics: Buttermilk is a probiotic that influences the growth of healthy bacteria and reduces the development of bad bacteria in the gut.

4) Muscle mass: This drink is rich in protein, which is essential for building muscles. So, buttermilk is popular with bodybuilders. 

5) Energy: Drink a glass of buttermilk when your energy levels are low. 

6) Bone health: Improve your 
bone health and dental health with buttermilk as well. Since buttermilk is rich in calcium, it is an excellent way to strengthen the bones.

7) Summer drink: Cool down with buttermilk and reduce summer-related problems like prickly heat, gastro-intestinal problems and the build-up of bacteria.

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