Friday 28 March 2014

Is your eating habit healthy? Check out - By Dr. P.T. Ezhil Selvan

Stop Hunger with Protein 
If you tend to rush in the mornings, you might be tempted to skip breakfast and just grab a coffee. However, coffee alone doesn’t contain all the nutrients you need to help get your day going. Pay attention to when your hunger calls in the morning, and start your day with a protein-filled breakfast. Protein, in the morning, helps control your appetite by keeping you full throughout the day.

Eat Often
Skipping meals and eating irregularly can seriously slow down your metabolism. They key to boosting your metabolism and maintaining your weight is to actually eat more often! Research has shown that people who eat regularly eat throughout the day have less body fat. You can keep your metabolism moving by either eating five mini meals throughout the day or by eating three big meals with two snacks throughout the day.

Focus on What You Eat
It’s time to break the habit of eating while watching TV. If you eat in front of the TV, you are more likely to be distracted and end up consuming more food than you had intended to eat. When dinner time comes around, try to eat at the table and focus on the food in front of you. By just increasing your attention toward your plate, you will be able to better gauge how much you eat.

Make Yourself a Proper Plate
While eating food out of the container may be convenient, it may also be causing you to overeat. In order to avoid this, make yourself a proper plate by taking the food out of its serving tray. This way you can monitor how much food you are consuming and eat up to 20% less.

Avoid Alcohol during Your Meal
Drinking alcohol while you eat could cause you to overindulge without even noticing. Being aware of how much you eat is essential in achieving portion control. Avoid overeating by saving your drink and also protect your body.

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