Thursday 27 March 2014

Did you have a sore throat recently, learn how to tackle it - By Dr. P. T. Ezhil Selvan

A sore throat can be the first sign of a cold, a side effect of strained vocal cords, or an indication of something more serious (like strep throat).

Regardless of the cause, your immediate concern when soreness strikes is how to get relief, fast. You may be tempted to run to your doctor, but some of the best treatments are home remedies.

Here are 10 to try the next time you're feeling scratchy, hoarse, or just plain sick.

Saltwater gargle
Several studies have found that gargling several times a day with warm salt water can reduce swelling in the throat and loosen mucus, helping to flush out irritants or bacteria.

It is recommend dissolving half a teaspoon of salt in one cup of water. If the salty taste is too unpleasant for you, try adding a small amount of honey to sweeten the mixture slightly. (Just remember to spit the water out after gargling, rather than swallowing!)

Staying hydrated is very important, especially when you're sick and your throat is irritated or inflamed. You should be drinking enough fluid so that your urine is light yellow or clear. This keeps your mucous membranes moist and better able to combat bacteria and irritants like allergens, and makes your body better able to fight back against other cold symptoms.

What you drink is up to you. Water always works, but you can also change it up with something slightly sugary, like a watered-down fruit juice, or something salty, like chicken broth.

Tired of drinking water? A warm cup of herbal tea can offer immediate, soothing relief for a sore throat. What's more, non-herbal teas—whether they're made with black, green, or white leaves—contain antioxidants that are thought to strengthen immunity and ward off infection.

For an extra boost, add a teaspoon of honey. It'll help the "medicine" go down, and it has antibacterial properties that may help you heal faster.

Chicken soup
An age-old home remedy for colds, chicken soup can help soothe a sore throat, as well. The sodium in the broth may actually have anti-inflammatory properties, and it can feel good going down.

Soup has an added benefit when you're sick: Eating can be painful and difficult with a swollen or very sore throat, so sipping some liquid nourishment will ensure that you're getting the nutrients you need to fight off your infection.

Herbal medicine from your kitchen
Garlic, Ginger and Turmeric are all very good antibiotics and anti-viral which could destroy most of the bacteria and viruses.

Ginger juice can be taken with or without honey which will check sore throat. Garlic can be chewed which can destroy most organisms and will soothe your throat. Garlic has the pungent smell which may make your breath stink a bit, as it has a lot of sulphur in it, which in turn acts as a good antiseptic. Turmeric which takes part in nearly all Indian food. Turmeric powder can be dissolved in water and be used as a gargle.

Remember most of the throat infection are viral infections where an antibiotic does not work, viral infections are rectified by the immune system of our body. But there are many herbs which can check these viruses without even a single side effect.

It may not be the quickest solution, but getting some rest is probably the best thing you can do to battle the infection that caused your sore throat in the first place, Dr. Linder says.

"The vast majority of sore throats are caused by cold viruses, and we know that there's very little we can do to cure a cold once we've got it," he says. "Making sure your body is well rested will at least help it fight off the virus so you can get better sooner."

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