Thursday 6 March 2014

How to make your skin beautiful by yourself naturally? - By Dr. P.T. Ezhil Selvan

Who wouldn’t like to visit the salon/parlor every other week? It’s an hour (or more) of perfect me-time, and while you might have drifted off to dreamland, when you’re at the billing desk, you cringe just a bit. Should you make a hole in your pocket for this? Not at all, which is why I listed out our tried and tested skin savers that are guaranteed to make you fabulous. 

Papaya Face Scrub 

Apart from its health benefits, Papaya also scores high in the beauty department. Mash half an unripe papaya into a bowl and add to it a quarter cup of honey with a quarter cup of brown sugar and mix gently. Leave this paste on your skin for fifteen minutes and then scrub in light circular motions to gently exfoliate.  While the enzymes from the papaya will get rid of dead skin cells, the honey acts as a moisturiser, leaving your skin feeling soft and smooth.

Onion juice for your hair
Extract the juice of 2 onions and apply it on your scalp with a cotton pad. The sulphur in the juice will help increase blood circulation to your scalp (much like a hot oil massage.) Since it’s also antibacterial, it will calm down any inflammations on your scalp and nourish hair follicles to promote hair growth. Apply this juice while you’re showering, leave it on for ten minutes and wash off with luke warm water. Surprisingly, once you rinse it well there is no lingering onion smell in your hair.

Cinnamon and honey for Acne 
Acne can find you no matter what age you are. And chances are that when you finally spot that nasty pimple, everyone else can too. Head over to your kitchen and mix a teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon into a paste. Apply it on the pimple and leave overnight. Cinnamon and honey both act instantly to stop the growth of infection (bacteria/fungi.) Alternately, if you’re dealing with dark spots or acne remnants, applying lime juice for a few minutes every now and then can help make them lighter.

Green Tea Bags for your Eyes 
 Green tea, among its many benefits, can also help deal with puffy eyes. Moisten tea bags in hot water for 30 seconds and leave them to cool in the refrigerator for about half an hour. Then, place them on your eyes for 15-20 minutes. Since green tea has anti-inflammatory properties it works by restricting the blood flow and reducing puffiness. It’s a great solution for tired eyes and dark circles as well. 

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