Monday 17 March 2014

How to stay healthy this summer – By. Dr. P.T. Ezhil Selvan

Summer is around the corner. Here in India summers could get that hot, it may lead to medical attention. Let’s get ready to face this and find some scientific ways to be fit to resist it.

Skin cells contain mostly water, and if you're dehydrated, skin can look and feel parched. While the “8 glasses a day” rule is no longer valid, it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day by drinking when you're thirsty. An average adult need approximately 4 liters of water per day. Drinking lots of water is the best way to avoid sun stroke.

Take lots of fruits and vegetables. Juices are the best way to be hydrated. Fruits and vegetables will give you lots of Vitamins and minerals, also adds a lot of fiber to your diet. Most of the fruits are rich in antioxidants which will check your immunity and keep most of the lifestyle disorders at bay. Watermelon is more than just a tasty dessert alternative or salad addition. Its high levels of lycopene mean that it’s a valuable ally in the fight against heart disease. Pink grapefruit and guava boast similar lycopene content, so eat up.

Healthy fat contains essential fatty acids that help skin resist UV damage. EFAs (Essential fatty acids) are also part of the cell membranes that help hold in moisture. EFAs are found in most vegetable oils like sunflower, safflower, Mustard seed, Corn, Soya, Wheat germ, Pumpkin seed, Walnut, Most grains and green leafy vegetables. Fish oils are a very good source of EFAs. The body can't synthesize EFAs, so consume about 1 tablespoon of these oils daily to keep skin supple.

Green Tea is rich in antioxidants that decrease inflammation and protect cell membranes. Studies have shown that tea may also reduce the damage of sunburns and overexposure to ultraviolet light. Green tea is especially rich in a compound known as EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) which may acts as a "fountain of youth" of sorts for skin by reactivating dying skin cells. EGCG is the most abundant catechin in tea.

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