Saturday 8 March 2014

Home remedies to prevent gum disease - By Dr. P.T. Ezhil Selvan

The best way to keep gum disease at bay is good oral hygiene. In most cases it can be reversed by practising proper plaque control. Brush your teeth at least twice a day. Floss once or twice a day preferably after dinner. You could also eat the following foods to keep gum disease at bay.

Whole grains
Research has shown that whole grains are great for your teeth. A study from McMaster University, Canada found that men who ate at least three servings of whole grains were 23% less likely to suffer from periodontitis than those who ate more wholegrain breads. It also stabilised blood sugar levels in diabetics which reduces periodontitis.

Green vegetables
Not only is green tea great for your overall health thanks to its high antioxidant value but it’s also great for your mouth! It has anti-inflammatory powers to prevent periodontal gum disease, prevents tooth loss and keeps bad breath away! In fact, it’s better for preventing bad breath than more commonly used items like mints and chewing gums!

Herbal remedies
In many parts of rural India, it’s the norm to use neem twigs to brush one’s teeth instead of toothpaste and brushes. The plant itself has immense antimicrobial and antifungal properties. A study tested whether neem could be used to treat gum disease and they found that it was actually better than regular mouthwash! Other than neem, ginger is known to help maintain healthy teeth and gums and prevent plaque.  The highly valued holy basil (tulsi), a natural antibiotic, is known to protect against bleeding gums and also increase the whiteness of the teeth. The antibacterial property of basil can prevent dental plaque build-up and eliminate bad odour too.

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